
lunedì 9 gennaio 2017

"Here is How We Lived in East Aleppo” 

By Fulvio Scaglione

Aleppo, January 8th 2017. He lets us film him, but Mahmud Fahrad is not his real name. He’s afraid of retaliation in this devastated city of Aleppo, where few people think that all of the jihadis have really left for good, on the coaches supplied by Assad to get to Idlib. Because this bricklayer who lost his job years ago and has had to make ends meet with a wife and four children, wants to let people know what life was like in East Aleppo, under the rule of the rebels and jihadis.

“We were trapped there since March 2012, when it all began,” says Mahmud, “And they were four years of horror. For example, they starved us. In these years I never ate either meat or fruit, it was almost always lentil beans and burghul (split wheat). Even bread was scarce. And all the while, they had plenty of everything and ate all they wanted. Their deposits were full and they mocked us: when there was a holiday, they would slaughter sheep and cows and sell off the scrap pieces, such as the shins or the entrails, at 10,000 Syrian liras a chilo, i.e. the price of the choicest meat.

And what about the hospitals? They say that the army bombs killed a lot of people….

“Bombed hospitals? Maybe. All I know is that they were off-limits to us normal Alepins. They were reserved to them and to their families. When one of us got hurt or had some health problem, they would shut the door on us even if we died. I never saw anyone, in the entire four years, being admitted to a hospital”.

Who exactly are these “they” that you are talking about?

“There were loads of foreigners, almost from everywhere in the world. Especially after the army started to get closer. We could recognize them, as they went around the streets on in the marketplaces, Because they needed someone to help them with the language. So we heard them say that so and so was French, this other one was American, another Turkish…. There were also many Saudis, Egyptians, some Japanese. But at the end of the day, they all resembled each other.”

What do you mean?

“Look, these people here don’t pray to Allah. The God they pray to is the Dollar. The various groups had divided that part of town among them and first and foremost they tried to get as much money as possible out of it, at the expense of the defenseless people. Every so often they would kill each other on account of money. Say one of the heads got too daring, and went beyond his allotted area: a bomb under his car would take care of everything. Politics…. Maybe. But these people had three main passions. The first one, like I said, was money….”

And the second one?

“Sex. They went crazy, also because they felt omnipotent. Any one of these guys could do you in with impunity, no one would have lifted a finger to save you. There were two ways they used to try to get women. They tried to buy them, by taking advantage of the people’s poverty. There were families who gave a daughter away for 100 dollars, or even for just a few bags of rice and lentils. Or else they took them away by threatening them with violence. For example by threatening to kill their parents. Today Aleppo is full of so-called “widows”. Women who were forced to marry a militiaman who died or ran away, women whom nobody wants now, not even their original families”.

And the third passion …

“Shooting, killing. Before starting out for a raid they took some pills that were rumored to come from Turkey. I don’t know what they were, but after swallowing them their eyes opened wide and they became frenetical. Among them there was a great deal of trading going on in hashish and other drugs”.

And what about prayer? Islam?

“They forced us to go to the mosque but that stuff had little to do with our religion. There were Pakistani and Egyptian preachers and the only subject they ever broached in their sermons was war, jihad, the duty to fight the apostates. In sum, all they ever talked about was killing people”.

(traduzione in inglese di Alessandra Nucci )

venerdì 6 gennaio 2017

Si conclude il progetto "Sotto l'albero di Natale dei bambini siriani"

Cari amici e sostenitori, 
riceviamo da suor Lydia tante fotografie che ci fanno partecipi della festa di Natale dei piccoli siriani di Marmarita. Grazie ai vostri contributi, ognuno dei 290 bambini dell'asilo ha ricevuto una bella giacca, caldissima, manufatta nel laboratorio tessile di Aleppo e un po' di golosi dolcetti.
Inoltre, grazie al contributo straordinario di un'amica giornalista, 4 famiglie abitanti nei villaggi della Valle dei Cristiani hanno potuto avviare piccole attività di commercio aprendo dei negozietti.
Ci sta molto a cuore sostenere la speranza e l'intrapresa locale, che permetta ai siriani di poter restare nella propria terra: 
GRAZIE DI CUORE per la vostra generosità ! Che il buon Dio vi renda il centuplo in questo nuovo anno. Preghiamo che sia l'anno della Pace!

Troverete presto il resoconto finale del Progetto qui:

Tante belle giacche  calde per tutti i nostri piccini dell'asilo al-Amal ( La Speranza) di Marmarita

Il piccolo negozio aperto grazie ai contributi
dei nostri sostenitori da una quarta famiglia
con due bimbi e una piccola neonata
Una mamma ha avviato un'attività
di piccolo commercio con cartoleria

Il papà di 4 bimbi ha potuto aprire un rivendita
di frutta e verdure


martedì 3 gennaio 2017

Monsignor Capucci e la pace, «ossigeno della vita»

«La Siria era il cuore battente della nazione araba, ponte fra occidente e mondo arabo, modello di convivenza e fratellanza fra tutte le sue componenti. Oggi purtroppo, con la guerra infernale che subisce da quasi sei anni, con questo complotto diabolico, ben preparato, la nostra patria che era paradiso è diventata inferno. La salvezza della Siria, la sua prosperità, risiedono nel dialogo serio e sincero fra gli stessi siriani, nel dialogo franco, il mezzo migliore, direi unico per la ricostruzione di uno Stato siriani, una Siria indipendente sovrana, prospera che superi tutti i complotti e le trappole. Ripristinare dunque la pace in Siria tramite il dialogo è indispensabile. Difatti la pace è l'ossigeno della vita, mentre la guerra è un disastro nel quale tutti sono perdenti. Non ci sono vincitori ma solo sconfitti. Avendo raggiunto i 95 anni, mi preparo all'incontro con il mio Signore pregando. Prego tanto per la pace, pace nel mondo, nel Medioriente, e innanzitutto nella carissima nostra Siria. Prego perché se Dio non costruisce la casa, inutilmente lavorano gli operai. Nel lavoro con la preghiera risiede la salvezza. Supplico dunque il Signore che finalmente si attui questa benedetta riconciliazione fra le diverse componenti siriane, affinché gli angeli nel cielo della Siria risorta cantino il loro bell'inno Gloria a Dio nell'alto del cielo siriano, pace sulla sua terra, gioia, serenità, prosperità per tutti i siriani, e allo stesso modo per tutti i popoli».  

Giovedì 5 gennaio 2017, dalle ore 16.00 alle 17.00, sarà allestita la camera ardente per S.E.R. Mons. Capucci in Basilica Santa Maria in Cosmedin, Piazza Bocca della Verità 18, Roma.
Alle 18.45 sarà ufficiata una preghiera di suffragio prima che la salma lasci la Basilica.